Please see endorsements below and consider being the next person to add your name to the list!
Matthew 19:26
I have heard Mr. Westley speak numerous times at TITFF meetings. He is a godly man and he is truly a patriot and would be a great mayor. — Thomas Barrett
I endorse Tim Westley with my whole heart. — M.T. Bonds
The first time I heard this man speak (Dr. Tim Westley) was at a HRC Meeting. We (This Is Texas Freedom Force) were fighting to save the Alamo Cenotaph from certain doom. Dr. Westley got up in front of the panel and delivered a message that was so moving it left me with goose bumps. So I talked to him after because I said “I gotta know who this man is.” Several years later and I call him a very close friend of not only my personal family, but to my TITFF family as well. He had served as the State of Texas Historian and did a lot of great things for our beloved Texas History. I’ve heard him preach from the pulpit of many churches around Texas and his message is always so inspiring. He’s a honorable Army Veteran. He has served his country honorably and that speaks volumes about the man. . He's a great teacher as well! I honestly can’t tell ya anything he’s bad at. Whatever the project, service, job, preacher, Texan Historian, the man puts 120% into what he’s doing. I can think of no man that San Antonio needs more than Dr. Tim Westley. If San Antonio elects this man to be Mayor, it will propel San Antonio to be the greatest City in Texas, but more importantly he will do right by you, San Antonionians. So I strongly urge you to vote for Dr Tim Westley for Mayor of San Antonio! — Brandon Burkhart
Founder/Former President of/Hill Country Director of This Is Texas Freedom Force
My first thought is he is a man of GOD in a world of darkness. His light is not hidden, but shining for all to see. Today a politician is a dime a dozen, full lies and empty promises. Dr Tim Westley is not such a man , honest to the core . San Antonio would be a far better place to have him as MAYOR — Thomas Riester
Dr. Tim has my FULL ENDORSEMENT for Mayor of San Antonio, Texas. The only man for the job at this critical time for Texas! — Walter West II
Texas Veteran